Coastal Salt Corrosion in the Northeastern USA, WORSE than Florida?

When you hear about coastal salt corrosion in Florida it’s almost a no-brainer. We’ve all seen the corroded outdoor air conditioning units, the rusted steel doors and even the HVAC supply grates in homes with rust on them.

What’s surprising to learn is that the Coastal Northeastern USA has even higher rates of the corrosive Chloride ion than Florida according to the NADP’s 2023 report!

What does this mean for you?

While getting a protective corrosion coatings on expensive HVAC equipment is a normal process in Florida and other coastal areas, the Northeastern coast from Southern New Jersey to Maine has been slower to broadly adopt this critical step in protecting assets.

Only forward thinking operations make a point of suggesting that clients protect their equipment with corrosion coatings. It’s an easy step to protect your brand as equipment stays looking and operating like new for much longer.

Protecall has over 20 years of experience of protecting coils and cabinets of new equipment and also restoring older equipment when it fits best.

Reach out and let’s discuss how we can help you protect your investment and take a step forward in energy efficiency!

Miami, FL scores at 11.9 with most of the state reported to be 8.5 or less! (measured in kg/ha)

FEMA’s NFIP Bulletin #8, June 2019 suggests that “studies have shown accelerated corrosion rates as far inland as 5 to 10 miles”.
